Tuesday, August 4, 2020


#RPGaDAY2020 and we're already on Day Four, and I wish I had the VISION to have prepared all of this in advance. The dayjob is incredibly anxiety inducing thanks to having to deal with the public, and I'm spending my days off working on an incredibly cool project (or three) that I'd much rather be doing - but it's meant every moment of my day has been taken up with work in some shape or description, and I've not had the FORESIGHT to prepare for #RPGaDAY in advance.

What a dufus. Not the first time I've called myself a dufus today either.

While I'm not getting much of a chance to write entries for each of the month's prompts, I do take a little time to SEE all of the cool posts that have already been circulating the internet with regard to #RPGaDAY, and loving everyone's wide and varied interpretations of the prompts. Thank you everyone for taking part and spreading a little love of the hobby in these trying times.

Stay safe everyone.

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