I really wasn't expecting it to be so readily adopted by so many people worldwide. To hear the name "Autocratik" being spoken on Brazilian vid-casts as people the other side of the planet to me started discussing their favourite adventure and favourite games was just amazing.
Thank you everybody who took part, started following me on Twitter or liked the Facebook page, or just spread the word about #RPGaDAY. Thank you everyone.
I've seen people comment saying that it has helped with their word count to get their blog-writing motivation going, some have said that it has helped them through a bad month as well, some even mentioned that they've learned a lot about writing through working through the questions. I'm just stunned. I'm really overwhelmed that people got so much out of it. Fantastic.
Quite a few people I've followed have summed up their 31 entries in a simple, single blog entry and have suggested that I do the same. So here goes!
Day 1 - First Game Played
As chronicled many, many, many, many months ago, it was original LBB Traveller.
Day 2 - First RPG Gamemastered
Again, chronicled in the early days of this blog, it was the glorious Star Frontiers.
Day 3 - First RPG Purchased
The blue (wizard) covered AD&D Player's Handbook. Bought that before Star Frontiers, to join in with the AD&D game. Still owned today.
Day 4 - Most Recent RPG Purchase
The rather awesome Atomic Robo RPG (powered by Fate), bought at the same time as the new D&D 5th Edition / D&D Next Starter Set.
Day 5 - Most Old-School RPG Owned
While I looked at the old white-box Warhammer, I plumped for TSR's old spy RPG Top Secret. (Finding it hard to write that without the exclamation point, but that's a whole different kind of game involving Val Kilmer...)
Day 6 - Favourite RPG You Never Get to Play
I went for Leverage. Amazing looking game, just don't really have any players...
Day 7 - Most Intellectual RPG Owned
Had to be Nobilis. Gorgeous, but way, waaaay smarter than I am.
Day 8 - Favourite Character
As I don't get to play much, as I GM more than I play, I opted for a bunch of characters that I enjoyed GMing for - the old Mage / Kult / WitchCraft game I used to play. The rather amazing little group of goths that hung around a strange mansion in north London. Awesome.
Day 9 - Favourite Die / Dice Set
I went for my very first D20, which I store in a sad little display box...
Day 10 - Favourite tie in Novel / Game Fiction
The rather amazing Dark*Matter novels which captured the weird X-Files feeling perfectly and kept my head in the right mood for writing Conspiracy X 2.0.
Day 11 - Weirdest RPG Owned
There were a few that leapt to mind. I went for Price of Freedom, which was an odd choice for a subject for a game. While I nearly went for the Xena and Hercules RPG by WEG, I also picked out the Neon Genesis Evangelion RPG, which I've never read as it's entirely in Japanese.
Day 12 - Old RPG You Still Play / Read
I've just started playing a fantasy game that uses the Buffy version of Cinematic Unisystem, so that's really the old RPG I still play (possibly because it's the only game I still play at the moment).
Day 13 - Most Memorable Character Death
Ah, my poor and stupid thief character who enjoyed setting off traps. I guess he deserved everything he got. Pull those levers, see what they do!!!
Day 14 - Best Convention Purchase
One of the elusive supplements for the James Bond RPG - Thrilling Locations!
Day 15 - Favourite Convention Game
CJ Carella's demos of Buffy that were happening on the table next to the Eden Studios stand at Gen Con UK was amazing.
Day 16 - Game You Wish You Owned
Coming back to the awesome James Bond RPG by Victory Games, I picked the Assault tabletop battle game that I was missing. And possibly some of the other Bond supplements I'm missing like Dr No and Octopussy...
Day 17 - Funniest Game You've Played
It could only really be one choice, and that was Ghostbusters... love that game.
Day 18 - Favourite Game System
While I love Unisystem, really enjoyed oWoD, and WEG's D6 system, I've had the most fun writing and using the Vortex system. Bit of a gratuitous self-plug, but it's not because it's the best game system, but one I've had the most fun with.
Day 19 - Favourite Published Adventure
I picked out two - again with the James Bond with For Your Eyes Only, and secondly with the immensely creepy Kult RPG's "The Judas Grail".
Day 20 - Game You'll Still Play in 20 Years' Time
Again, I went for something a little self-referential, and mentioned WILD.
Day 21 - Favourite Licensed RPG
While I could have mentioned James Bond, Ghostbusters, Star Wars, Buffy, Firefly, etc... I decided to rant about the lack of Harry Potter RPG, and how much I want to write it...
Day 22 - Best Secondhand RPG Purchase
Which were the first editions of CJ Carella's games WitchCraft and Armageddon. One day I'll get them signed...

Day 23 - Coolest Looking RPG Product
I love square books... so it has to be Nobilis again!
Day 24 - Most Complicated RPG Owned
I own a lot of complicated games, but I think GURPS and 4th Edition D&D would probably win... But a special mention goes to Space Opera.
Day 25 - Favourite RPG no one else wants to play...
Everway look amazing, but I get the feeling that I'd never get any of the players I know to give it a go...
Day 26 - Coolest Character Sheet
The coolest character sheet that I've seen in recent years has to be the amazing Numenera RPG's sheet... very cool, gorgeous and folds in an interesting way!
Day 27 - Game You'd Most Like to See A New / Improved Version Of...
Again, another chance for me to rant about games I'd love to write - James Bond and Star Trek.
Day 28 - Scariest RPG Played
Some of the events and encounters in the Kult game were incredibly tense, and one of the most jittery experiences of gaming I've had.
Day 29 - Most Memorable Encounter
This one had to be John's Call of Cthulhu game, with one of our player characters going mad and running off to become a follower of Y'golonac, sprouting mouths in the palms of his hands. Really creepy.
Day 30 - Rarest RPG Owned
I love the limited editions of games, but like a lot of avid RPG collectors, the rarest and favourite of my RPG collection is Last Unicorn Games' "Dune" RPG.
Day 31 - Favourite RPG of all time...
Surprising everyone, my favourite RPG (well certainly the one I have the fondest memories of) is West End Games' Star Wars RPG. Glorious game, setting the bar for licensed RPGs to follow...
And that was it!!
If you want to suggest topics for the daily questions for next year, feel free to drop me a line in the comments.
If you enjoyed #RPGaDAY, head over the Will Brooks' Facebook page, and his Twitter, and show your support.
Thank you again for taking part. Keep playing games and above all...
Stay Multiclassy!!
For next time, what about 'Steepest GM Learning Curve' (or biggest GM fail moment) - I'm thinking of the time a certain GM left the King of the Britons to light the flame to let the American army know when the British were coming, as well as both the WFRp's games my other-half ran (which make an appearance in my list this year).
Also, running jokes - we have burning poor quarters, "Did it move? - Hit it!" and hunting vampires at night in a graveyard.
Awesome ideas, like them! Thank you!!
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