I have a bit of a problem, and I know the cause.
Like many tabletop gamers of my age, I started playing with the classics - Traveller first, then Advanced Dungeons and Dragons and Runequest - before starting to run my own games when I bought Star Frontiers. Y'know, the old school classics.
I really started Traveller (and Star Frontiers) because I loved Star Wars. Of course, neither of these games are Star Wars - especially Traveller - but I needed my science fiction fix. And while I was never a huge fantasy fan in my youth, I loved the games of D&D and Runequest we played.
But along came the licensed games. Games that used similar rules to the classics, but were actually properties that I knew and loved from films and TV. We played FASA Star Trek and Doctor Who, TSR's Indiana Jones, West End Games' works of genius - Star Wars and Ghostbusters. It was in licensed games that I found my real love. Maybe it's my lack of imagination, but I had less trouble mentally visualising a Rodian walking into a dimly lit cantina, or the inside of the TARDIS than I could a Scout/Courier in Traveller, or Castle Greyhawk.
Cover for a Ghostbusters scenario I wrote
to submit to WEG back in the late 80's. |
It's no surprise really that my favourite RPGs of all time are all licensed properties - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Eden), James Bond (Victory Games), Star Wars (WEG) and Ghostbusters (WEG).
My addiction to licensed games followed me as I ventured into the realms of writing RPGs. My first attempts at writing supplements were submitting scenarios for Ghostbusters to West End Games (though heavily influenced by Back to the Future, Weird Science, and Moonlighting). When I started talking to the lovely people at Eden Studios, who really gave me my break in game writing, it was because I'd picked up Conspiracy X (which, in my head, was as close as I could get to an X-Files RPG), All Flesh Must Be Eaten (which owed a lot to Romero's classic zombie movies) and Witchcraft (whose awesome cover just made me think of The Craft).
Ironically, though I'd submitted some suggestions for supplements for All Flesh Must Be Eaten (one heavily influenced by my love of 80's horror movies, called "Summercamp Stalkers and Unstoppable Evil", and another which was basically Aliens only with zombies), when Eden silenced my nagging it was by letting me work on their Planet of the Apes RPG (in all but name) - Terra Primate.
Then it was a slippery slope. I worked on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG (which was a dream come true knowing my love of Buffy), and Army of Darkness (groovy).
Then after talking to Angus and Dom at Cubicle 7, and Chris (who would later go on to create the publishing juggernaut Modiphius) we started pitching to the BBC to create a new Doctor Who RPG.
Cover for the original pitch to the BBC to produce
the Doctor Who RPG. |
I was in my element. Pitching to the BBC, writing a licensed game, making sure it felt like the series. It was licensed gaming at its purest. I was an addict, and I'd found the purest drug. Doctor Who was a blast to work on. An absolute joy. Getting to read the scripts for Matt Smith's first series months before they aired, sitting in BBC Worldwide's offices with a portable hard drive to pick cool images we could use in the books. If I smiled any wider the top of my head would have come off.
Then I got distracted. I wrote and helped film a nerd comedy webseries. I'm still happy with my scriptwriting, and I still think it's funny, but I turned down game writing work for that, which I regret. I should have stayed on target.
Luckily, I had my own project - WILD. I figured, after feeling a bit scarred by the film-making experience that I'd do whatever the hell I wanted and it would just be me. Autocratik was reborn. Hence the name.
But that drug - the pull of the licensed game - it keeps calling to me.
I managed to get aboard with Modiphius for their amazing and glorious Star Trek Adventures, helping to shape the game - from the skills, to the publishing schedule, to the very name of the game. That was fantastic. But, working seven days a week (dayjob and dreamjob) was exhausting and I had to step back from the control panel.
So, I'm back to writing WILD. And while it fills my urge for an RPG that incorporates many of my favourite things - Inception, Elm St, Twin Peaks, and more - that addiction is still nagging away at the back of my head.
Sample layout for a proposed Licensed to Kill RPG (c)2012 Text by me, layout by Will Brooks |
I still really want to do a James Bond RPG. I loved the original game, and can see how it would work modernised and updated to the new movies. In my head I can see the supplements, the game, everything...
Sample layout for a proposed Harry Potter RPG (c)2012 Text by me, layout by Will Brooks |
I still really want to do a Harry Potter RPG. I love Harry Potter and I think an RPG would be great - not only for gamers, but for fans of the wizarding world yet to break into gaming. It'd be great for kids, and get them using their imaginations. It could do for tabletop gaming what the original books did for kids book publishing. Well, maybe not. But it would be a heck of a lot of fun. Yes, I've written about it on this blog, many, many times before...
Mock Stranger Things RPG cover - I mean, it's just begging to be a game isn't it? |
I still think an official Stranger Things RPG would be awesome. Yeah, I know Tales from the Loop is genius and kinda filled that void (though it's more tech than paranormal). It still amazes me that someone hasn't done a game, especially as the series uses Dungeons and Dragons as a main plot element! You could do all sorts of paranormal investigation and uncovering government plots. It'd be great!
Yes, I get twitchy and mock up the covers for RPGs that don't exist but I wish did... |
I still think an RPG of Lev Grossman's The Magicians would be cool. If Potter is impossible, how about the cool and (more adult) take on the magical place of education? Brakebills is just the beginning, with sourcebooks for Hedge Magic, Fillory, etc... It's diverse, cool, edgy, and doesn't take itself too seriously. And you could go really dark, or burst into a musical number. Awesome!
Cover for mocked up Twin Peaks RPG
I did for a bit of fun. |
I still think there could be a Twin Peaks RPG. Multi-levelled with a basic game of small town intrigue and murder mystery, before expanding into the weird and surreal Lynchian realms.
I still think there should be a new Indiana Jones RPG. I loved the original TSR game, and with a new Indy movie coming, the time is right...
Mock up cover for John Dies at the End RPG Original Artwork by Vincent Chong for the limited Cemetery Dance edition of the book. |
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