Monday, September 28, 2015

Two can keep a secret, if one is the GM...

Thanks to my wife watching this almost continually for the last couple of weeks, I starting to think this would be a good idea...

I mean, it starts as a weird mystery series (with very odd moments, almost like Twin Peaks) before descending into Saw territory with so many slasher-film tropes.

Damnit, I need to watch something else before I take this too seriously...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Doooooo it! I love Pretty Little Liars with a passion I can't adequately explain. It's utterly ridiculous but has some surprisingly smart moments (like when a character's memories of being drugged re-enact the painting Nighthawks, or the film noir episode). It just gets more and more ridiculous as the series goes on, as well. Though the ending of the last series angered me a lot for [spoilers] reasons.

Also, if you do this, you'd find an enthusiastic playtester here. From a less frothy and more critical perspective, I could see a Leverage-style plot twist mechanic being quite powerful in this, allowing people to have the 'gasp! This changes everything!' moment without putting in a season's worth of work first.